This application is created for sending gpupdate /force to remote LAN computers using WinRM, it removes the need to use powershell making it a quick tool for your everyday system administration en problem solving.
The application sends remote winrm commands to specified clients.
This means you will need to create a policy first to enable WinRM on your domain computers.
see how here
To use the "Delete all profiles" button you will need to add Dellprof2 to your client computers.
The application uses .Net 4.5 framework.
It has been tested on Windows Server 2012 R2 / Windows 10/ and Windows server 2016.
See the changelog below for more info about the versions.
Download v1.0.0.6 here
Changelog v1.0.0.6:
• Fixed status indication animation + enhanced error messages.
•Added new function: It is now possible to send a delprof2 command to remove profiles from the remote computer. Place the delprof2.exe in the Windows folder for it to work correctly. you can download delprof2 from here
• Made the form bigger to compensate for the output text.
• Finally got the time to find a nice icon for the application. this should make it very visible on the desktop.
Changelog v1.0.0.4:
• Status indication animation, Orange is busy, Red is error, Green is ready!
• Added error messages.
• Multi threaded